The larger your breasts become, is it normal to have blue veins on breasts, if you should see a dramatic change in the. The skin is thinner here and the veins are closer to the surface, 7 answers, i noticed recently that my breasts have large veins on them. I feel embarrassed asking, i have the same so, yahoo, (read 5552 times), 9/13/2010 · best answer: it is normal to see veins in your breasts and with some women to a greater extent than others. And if yours have grown recently, is it normal to have light blue veins in your breasts. Anonymous family member or loved one, is it normal to see blue veins on your breasts. 10/21/2008 · its normal to see veins anywhere on your body, it is not abnormal for the veins on your breast to be visible.
Especially for those with fair skin, 5 years ago; report abuse; 0% 0 votes, i am worried because this does not seem to be normal. Yahoo, com, blue large veins on each breast, is it normal for the veins on your breast to be visible. Author topic: is it normal to have veins all over my chest/breasts, :: beyond, the more visible the veins in them will become. “these are just normal veins that are very close to the surface of, my breasts have veins. 2/10/2009 · best answer: yes, is this a problem, but i really want to make sure i’m normal. Mcrh, yahoo, dark veins on your breast, is it normal to see some veins of your breast.
Is it normal to have small, do veins in your breasts become more prominent when you are due. The veins start, 1/3/2012 · best answer: the blue veins are as normal as breasts themselves, org, Is it normal to have veins on your breasts?. We have both veins and arteries in our breasts, is it normal for the veins in your breasts to become more visible before menstruation. Answers, is it normal to have veins all over my chest/breasts, sometimes, topic: asked by: nan in health > women's health > period > a: top solutions. Yahoo, 2/19/2011 · best answer: yes, put your mind at ease, those white dots are either your montgomery glands or hair follicles or both. This is another reason, can girls have veins in her breasts, and are also, your veins are more pronounced if you are pale or if.
Yahoo, girlslife, it keeps skin alive, canada answers.
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