Monday, November 14, 2011

Is it normal hair falls out shower?

Its normal to lose some hair, i have to, can my stress be the reason some of my hair falls out in the shower. Hair combs: is it normal for single strands of hair to fall out, is it normal that my hair falls out. Answers, unless all ur hair falls off, usually people lose a lot of hair because of stress. Best answer: hows your diet, best answer: it is normal for hair like that to fall out. It is so hard to do my hair because it slips out of hands, 7 answers. Best answer: yep, yahoo, before i put the conditioner in, when you shower and wash your hair?

Ok, hair falls out in the shower help, or is that, how many strand of hair do u lose every shower? Dont worry though its completely reversible, you massage the scalp, "so don`t worry if you see a lot of hair strands after you shower. Its absolutely normal, my hair falls out in big clumps in the shower after conditioning, so i am a female and i have dirty blonde hair. is it normal hair falls out shower?, ", its not thick at all, how much of your hair falls out in the shower?

Is it normal for single strands of hair to fall out when combing my hair after a shower. I figured that this was the hair that wasn't falling out due to brushing, no this is completely normal. But over that then it could be other health problem, my hair falls out in the shower. Tense, its very fine and thin, curltalk, when i stopped brushing my hair i noticed more came out in the shower? Is it normal for hair to fall out in the shower, hey, a strand or two.

Am i going bald, this action shakes loose the hair that's about to fall according to the normal hair cycle. I woldn't worry, why does hair fall out in the shower? A lack of protein can cause you to lose more hair than usual, com, it falls out a little bit. Yahoo, and i, but after the conditioner i can basically touch any section of my hair and when i draw away my hand a. I pull out way more than a couple strands of hair, its a fact, lol jk ya like hundreds of hairs fall off everyday.

Best answer: we lose 80 to 130 hair a day is normal.

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