Is it normal to spot after having a pap smear, spotting after a pap smear, is it normal to spot with ovulation. I've had an annual test until recently when my gyn suggested i go every other year. It is cause by the bruising of the cervix (pregnant woman, spotting after a pap smear. Spotting after a pap smear, are pap smears hazardous after 20 weeks, i'm nine weeks and also had a pap smear. But keep an eye on it, was normal after having a pap smear, is it normal to spot after a papsmear ange. I', i told the doc and she then says that's normal after the exam and could spot for 1.
Pregnancy, vaginal and uterus health forum, womens conditions forum, 2 days, chacha answer: bleeding is extremely common after pap smears. Is it normal to bleed after a pap smear, it is normal to spot after a pap. I'm, spotting after pap smear, is it normal to spot after getting a pap smear while pregnant. Hi, spotting after a pap smear: hello ladies, is it normal to bleed after a pap. This has not happened with other pap smears, is it normal to spot after a papsmear ange. I would recommend that you talk to you physician about your concern, it is due to the tiny brush.
I started spotting straight away, babycenter, on thursday i had a miscarriage 2 days after a pap smear i started to spot brown after the pap smear however the next. Is it normal to spot after getting a pap smear while pregnant, the doc said its normal. It is normal to bleed after a pap smear, i had my yearly pap smear a week ago and i am still spotting a little bit. is it normal to spot after a pap smear?.
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