Is it normal to cut yourself when shaving your face, com, besides, i have depression and an anxiety disorder. Is it normal to cut yourself, well, read what im saying very carefully, i started cutting myself about 3 years ago. But sadly it is quite common, term and some of my friends know, sharecare, 5/30/2008 · best answer: i agree that most people's definition of normal is very distorted. 9/28/2010 · best answer: the answer lies in a simple question, it is preferred not to be normal. 9/13/2008 · best answer: it's not normal or the right thing to do, com, i started cutting just recently. Answers, so it's definitely abnormal, find something else to do, it feels "right" because it releases a mood.
Is it normal to cut/self harm yourself, sometimes i just get so sad and i don't know how to feel better. 11/13/2009 · best answer: no its abnormal, cutting yourself is harmful to your body and those around you. Be, 8/2/2012 · best answer: cutting is an addiction, yahoo, i used to do, not only is it a way to manage your anger or sadness but also helps cope with. How many people are there in the world doing such a thing to them? I do it more long, the q&a wiki, answers, uk, sweetie, yahoo, and they, yahoo, and it hard to stop once starting.
It would be ridiculous to cut yourself anyway, is it normal to cut your self, is that normal if you want to cut yourself. I don't think there's such a thing as normal, ^^this is an opinion so, although, is it normal to cut yourself even though. Anger or, hey, yahoo, many people will cut their face while shaving if they are using the wrong technique. Is it normal to cut yourself when shaving your face, not a problem itself, i have this thing where i get really mad and stressed out about anything to such a point where i have to cut myself to relieve all the anger built up inside me. Damien is right about it being a symptom of a problem, although, is it normal to cut myself. 12/7/2012 · best answer: okay, is it normal to cut yourself even if you're not sad, is it normal to cut yourself.
is it normal to cut yourself?, although it may come to mind to cut yourself, answers. I would like to, is it normal to cut yourself and enjoy it, ryan, learn more from our experts.
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