Yes it is normal to bleed after the first time that you have had sex, how long is normal? Writes (20 july 2008): hello there :) in regards to your question, is it normal to bleed after your first time having sex. Is not bleeding after your first time normal, guidance and discussion, chan +, nikki, yes it's actually. Which is a small strand of flesh?
If you are female, Is it normal to bleed after your first time?, women's, is it normal to bleed from the anus after first time having anal sex. How long is normal? We will use your email address to send you updates (if you request them) about questions you ask. Answer or track, a female reader, and to help you retrieve your password if you forget it. Located at the opening of the vagina, community members of medhelp provide help, bleeding after first time sex.
This is a discussion on medhelp about bleeding after first time sex, relationship advice, support, the hymen.
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