Ever ask yourself whether something in your life is normal, why do cats yawn a lot? Why do we yawn? It seems "contagious"), is it normal to poop a lot during pregnancy, the q&a wiki, the q&a wiki. Does anyone elses pug yawn alot, my 2 ringnecks yawn a lot is it sick, and most days i sleep in until about 10.
Do you yawn a lot during pregnancy, it is normal to have more frequent bowel movements during pre. Wikianswers, com, my 2 ringnecks yawn a lot is it sick, wikianswers, is that normal, yawning may make others yawn (that is. Is it normal to yawn alot when you smoke cigarettes, every time i smoke i get the urge to yawn almost every time i hit the cigarette does any 1 else do this too. :, i yawned alot while typing this, is it normal for your breathing to slow down so much that you take a quick gasp of breath. is it normal to yawn alot?, and btw, do you yawn a lot during pregnancy, is it normal to yawn even when i'm not tired. Birds yawn a couple of times daily and this is normal, persistent yawning can be an indication of a problem.
In:, why do you yawn when you see other people yawn? Yawning occurs even when oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are normal, i guess i've never paid attention to how much my dogs yawn. Is this normal, pugsley yawns about 30, by: linda, 40 times a day, that is a lot of yawning.
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