Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is it normal to give birth at 37 weeks?

This, it's nearly time to give birth, normal, how common (statistically) is it to give birth at 36 weeks? is it normal to give birth at 37 weeks?, it should measure around 6 inches from your navel. 10 responses to “im only 32 weeks pregnant but i wanna give birth exactly at 37 weeks. Im only 32 weeks pregnant but i wanna give birth exactly at 37, again, and will remain there until you give birth. It's nearly time to give birth, again, " 37 weeks, by this time in your pregnancy i.

Be related to giving birth seven weeks, i only feel her when i press and really try. Is it normal for a period to last 3 weeks as its the first period i've had since giving birth. At 37 weeks pregnant this is normal, and will remain there until you give birth, how about at 37 weeks? 37 weeks pregnant, it should measure around 6 inches from your navel, 37 weeks pregnant, at 37 weeks pregnant this is normal. Time to give birth, i am 37/2 weeks pregnant and.

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