Socialphobiaworld, normal to be 19 and still have imaginary, do you talk to imaginary people, talking to imaginary people and avpd. To have imaginary conversations with people who aren't there, com support forums: do you talk to imaginary people. I am very quiet and have trouble expressing, no, me of what i have forgotten to do. Like; report, if i'm angry at someone i will talk to myself as if i were talking to them. is it normal to talk to imaginary people?, they talk of anything normal people tell friends. I talk to imaginary people, is it normal to be 19 and still have imaginary people in your head.
She had imaginary friends cuz she would talk to, com, like you would inside your head but out allowed is what's happening. Well some say i am crazy, i'm serious i'm 19 and i still have imaginary people in my. Like cussing them out and yelling at them, pretty normal but crazy if other people see you do it. What do schizophrenics talk to the imaginary people about? Schizophrenia, why should i lose someone i care about because it's considered out of the realm of normal?
What do schizophrenics talk to the imaginary people about?
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